FootsieBabes Cassy Garden of pleasures
Enjoy free preview with Cassy from FootsieBabes starring in the "Garden of pleasures" scene! Cassy didn't know her gardener is a foot fetishist. But as she was walking in the patio she couldn't help noticing that the gardener was in fact eyeing her, admiring her slim and flexible legs, her cute toes peeping from the open front of her sandals. So, why not play a little with him? But what was meant to be a 'harmless little play' turned into a serious hardcore foot fetish dream!
Cassy Sample Pictures
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My friends call me 'babyface' because of my voice and young face. And some even call me 'babyfeet', because I have such small feet that I hardly can find a good size. Do you like my cute little toes a… is the web's best site for all feet lovers. We offer top-notch girls, magic legs and pure pleasure! With our site, we celebrate the beauty of the female feet and those hot moments a girl could cause to all leg fetish fans. These hot babes simply love to play with their lusty feet. If you too admire beautiful long-legged women and their hot feet, this is the perfect place for you! How much do these girls enjoy getting their feet caressed? Visit our exclusive footsie club to find out the answer!